Alex Gorelik

Distinguished Engineer at LinkedIn

Alex Gorelik

Alex Gorelik

is a Distinguished Engineer at LinkedIn. He spent his career helping enterprises use data. Alex is a former software engineer at Meta, a HItachi Fellow, and an IBM Distinguished Engineer. He is a founder and CTO of three companies in data space: Acta – an ETL company acquired by Business Objects and now marketed as SAP Data Services, Exeros – a data discovery company acquired by IBM and marketed as Infosphere Discovery, and Waterline Data – a pioneering Big Data catalog company acquired by Hitachi Vantara and marketed as Lumada Data Catalog. He also worked as an independent consultant helping large enterprises worldwide (British Aerospace, Royal Caribbean, IBM, Jysk, Unilever, Teradata, and many others) to help develop their large-scale data projects and adopt big data technologies.

When not developing or deploying industry-leading data technology, Alex speaks at industry conferences and authors articles in industry publications. Alex holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University School of Engineering and an M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.


Session by Alex Gorelik

Leveraging Semantic Layer For Data Quality, Privacy And Governance

May 4, 2023
10.30 AM - 11. 00 AM

Why Today's DQ Is Not Your Father’s DQ?

May 4, 2023
09.30 AM - 10.00 AM

healthy financial concepts and patterns in a startup business

March 17, 2022
08 PM - 10 PM